Homeopathy is a holistic and complementary health service that supports every person as a whole. From minor to major, chronic or acute problems, the approach focuses on what is unique to the individual.
It is based on an age-old principle of the law of similars. What is elicited during the homeopathic therapeutic process is the correspondence between physical symptoms, mind, and emotions. It is this interconnection as a unique whole state, that is matched with the remedy that is most similar to it. We call this finding the core remedy. In this way, each remedy is individualized for every person.
Imagine a wave in water, when another wave of equal intensity meets it, the waves disperse. Energetically this is similar to how the core remedy works to relieve the state of suffering. The core remedy matches the central disturbance running through the individual. When the core remedy is given, it activates one's innate healing capacity. As the remedy action takes place, the vital energy that was caught in the disturbance is released and freed, and a new level of vitality on all levels emerges.
The remedies are made from natural substances and have been proved in healthy individuals to know the state each one causes. The results are compiled in the Materia Medica, which is the synthesis of homeopathic research of provings of over 200 years. There are over 5000 remedies to choose from.
Within Homeopathy, there are many different types of remedy complexes and flower essences that support the work of the core remedy and therapeutic process.
Homeopathy is also great for acute illnesses like colds, gastros, the flu, accidents and infections. It aids the body's natural healing response for a speedier recovery.